Heirs of the Night [season 1] (2019)

Heirs of the Night is a new-ish TV show primarily aimed at young teenagers, based on a series of novels by Ulrike Schweikert. This pan-European production has impressive production values and looks amazing. With a decent plot and a well-chosen cast, this is a show that I enjoyed quite a lot. […]

Dornröschen – Der Tod ist erst der Anfang (2004)

This film is a horror-“comedy” by notorious amateur filmmaker Jochen Taubert. It falls very decidedly into the “avoid-at-all-cost” category. And the fact that it is hard to find and is not available in English should make avoiding it fairly easy. […]

Angel [season 1] (1999-2000)

The first season of this Buffy spin-off creates its own, darker tone and is rather successful in its noir-ish world-building. But the actors are still trying to fit their characters into the new character constellation, and so there is some adjustment going on – which leaves room for improvement in the acting. […]

Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)

This sequel continues the story from the the first film. The differences between Dracula and his daughter Mavis – regarding their outlook on “life” in general and on humans in particular – play out before the background of educating Mavis’s son Dennis. […]

Kindred: The Embraced (1996)

While Kindred is not a bad show, watching it feels like a bizarre trip back in time. With its style, tone, and dated fashions, it is very hard to believe that this was broadcast just a year before Buffy premiered. There is nothing here to connect to, so you are merely observing the characters rather than developing any interest in them. […]

Vampire Circus (1972)

Another of the later Hammer films, Vampire Circus combines the vampire subgenre with the subgenre of the creepy circus. While I am not a big Hammer fan, some of the creepy circus aspects in this film work very well. […]

The Little Vampire (2018)

This 2018 animated film is based on a well-established franchise, and yet it came and went without anyone really taking notice. The reception was cool, the film barely made its money back at the box office, and to this day the film has no entry in either the English nor the German Wikipedia.
This is not really surprising because while this film cannot really be called bad, it is undoubtedly rather unmemorable. […]

Buffy the Vampire Slayer [season 4] (1999-2000)

Although this season is often maligned by fans, I quite like it. I am happy with the shadowy-organisation plot, the new character constellation works, and there is some outstanding writing to be enjoyed. […]