She-Wolf of London (1990-1991)

She-Wolf of London is a horror-mystery show that has not really aged well. It works on a monster-of-the-week basis and only one of its twenty episodes deals with vampires. But behind all the cheese and the synth-music there is a partially successful humour to be enjoyed, and a number of interesting episode plots. This British-American co-production is not a show you need to watch, but maybe something to tune into just once, for curiosity’s sake. […]

Buffy the Vampire Slayer [season 4] (1999-2000)

Although this season is often maligned by fans, I quite like it. I am happy with the shadowy-organisation plot, the new character constellation works, and there is some outstanding writing to be enjoyed. […]

Buffy the Vampire Slayer [season 2] (1997-1998)

Season 2 has improved acting and it introduces additional characters. The tone and the themes are much darker than in season 1, and the vibe of despair is stronger than anywhere else in the first four seasons. But there is still a good amount of humour mixed in at times. […]