She-Wolf of London (1990-1991)

She-Wolf of London is a horror-mystery show that has not really aged well. It works on a monster-of-the-week basis and only one of its twenty episodes deals with vampires. But behind all the cheese and the synth-music there is a partially successful humour to be enjoyed, and a number of interesting episode plots. This British-American co-production is not a show you need to watch, but maybe something to tune into just once, for curiosity’s sake. […]

Midnight Son (2011)

A well-made, well-acted film with a small, intimate story. This low-budget indie chronicles the crisis of a young man whose already difficult life appears to be changing for the worse, just at the moment as he meets a woman who seems to like him. Strongly recommended for all those who are not deterred by a slow pace. […]