Heirs of the Night [season 1] (2019)

Heirs of the Night is a new-ish TV show primarily aimed at young teenagers, based on a series of novels by Ulrike Schweikert. This pan-European production has impressive production values and looks amazing. With a decent plot and a well-chosen cast, this is a show that I enjoyed quite a lot. […]

Van-Pires (1997-1998)

Featuring vampiric car-wrecks and super-powered teenagers-turned-autobots, Van-Pires is a very poorly executed kids’ show based on a silly premise. Premise and writing might not be worse than those of other morning-slot kids’ shows, but Van-Pires combines that with awful CGI and a barrage of horrendous puns. […]

Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)

This sequel continues the story from the the first film. The differences between Dracula and his daughter Mavis – regarding their outlook on “life” in general and on humans in particular – play out before the background of educating Mavis’s son Dennis. […]

Auf und Davon (board game)

This is a German board game for children who should be at least 6 to 8 years old. The game’s basic concept is not very exciting or inventive, but its simplicity is probably a strength when it comes to entertaining younger children. […]

Die Wolf-Gäng (2020)

This German film, which may not become available in English any time soon, is based on a children’s book franchise created by Wolfgang Hohlbein – a highly prolific German author who usually writes pulp fantasy novels for grownups.

Die Wolf-Gäng, probably aimed at children in the 9-12 age range, looks gorgeous, but has the usual drawbacks that many children’s films have, such as a simple plot based on a run-of-the-mill structure as well as too many plot conveniences. […]

The Little Vampire (2018)

This 2018 animated film is based on a well-established franchise, and yet it came and went without anyone really taking notice. The reception was cool, the film barely made its money back at the box office, and to this day the film has no entry in either the English nor the German Wikipedia.
This is not really surprising because while this film cannot really be called bad, it is undoubtedly rather unmemorable. […]