Buffy the Vampire Slayer [season 2] (1997-1998)

Season 2 has improved acting and it introduces additional characters. The tone and the themes are much darker than in season 1, and the vibe of despair is stronger than anywhere else in the first four seasons. But there is still a good amount of humour mixed in at times. […]

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part1 (2011)

As the story of Bella moves towards its finale, the franchise’s weaknesses accumulate. With Breaking Dawn, Part 1 being weaker than the previous Twilight films, the plot is often treading water, making this one of those films in serious need of a fast-forward button. […]

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010)

“Doesn’t he own a shirt?”

The third film in the franchise picks up where the second left off and carries the story onwards to the two-part finale. There is little that can be said about this film. It is neither particularly good nor particularly bad. But at least there are some memorable lines and scenes – things this franchise generally has very little of. […]

The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009)

The first prequel to Twilight sets up the love-triangle this franchise is notorious for; and it throws werewolves into the mix.

The plot is a bit thin and disjointed, which makes this film slightly weaker than its predecessor. […]

Twilight (2008)

I am going to re-watch and review the Twilight films for this blog, one by one.

The first Twilight film always felt like a decent if inconsequential teen drama to me; but in terms of impact on popular culture this franchise always punched way above its weight anyway. […]