Blood for Dracula (1974)

Blood for Dracula is a weird film that zigzags between artsy and trashy yet never gets entertaining either way. Udo Kier is a very interesting choice for Dracula, and there are a number of other very good casting choices, but when a film’s best feature is its theme tune, you know you are in trouble. […]

Vampire Journals (1997)

A spin-off to the Subspecies franchise, Vampire Journals features interesting characters and some great acting performances. Unfortunately, it has not much of a plot, and it suffers from some bad lines of dialogue. Still, it is superior to most films in the Subspecies franchise – something which is not all that difficult to achieve. […]

Subspecies IV: Bloodstorm (1998)

I have been watching the Subspecies franchise over the past few months, and so far most of it had bored me. So I was pleasantly surprised that the belated fourth instalment, Bloodstorm (a. k. a. The Awakening), was far more entertaining than I expected. […]

Subspecies II: Bloodstone (1993)

This second entry in the Subspecies franchise is very similar in style and tone to the first film. So if you enjoyed that first film, chances are you will also like Bloodstone. If – like me – you did not enjoy the first film, it is extremely unlikely that this sequel is going to turn you into a fan of the franchise. […]

Vampyros Lesbos (1971)

One of Jesús Franco’s many sexploitation films, this German-Spanish co-production is quite a sorry affair full of plot holes and inconsistencies. There is very little of interest in this film, unless you are looking for inspiration to redecorate a room in a ‘70s fashion (and primarily in red). So, unless you are an interior designer, I suggest you pass this one up. […]