Blood Empire (2010)

What exactly happened on the Demeter as she made her journey from the Black Sea to English waters? Scottish writer A. L. Kennedy imagines people and events that fit in the gap that exists in Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula. This radio play was written directly for German radio and is possibly unavailable in English. […]

Demons (2009)

Until last week I had never heard of Demons, even though this short-lived British TV-show was first broadcast in 2009. The show has been derided as a poor Buffy rip-off by some – but it has bigger problems than that. And yet, there are also interesting and entertaining aspects in this medium-quality show. […]

Dracula (1974)

This adaptation of Bram Stoker’s novel is probably not the most exciting one. And it has (for good reason) a TV-feel to it. But it is remarkable in its own way, as it has been claimed that it is the film that first introduced a love-motive for Dracula into Stoker’s story. […]

Nadja (1994)

Micheal Almereyda’s Nadja, produced by David Lynch, is a rather odd vampire film with a fair amount of hidden and deadpan humour. With its unusual humour and its experimental visual style, this black & white film will probably not be to everyone’s taste. […]

Dracula’s Curse (2006)

This is a very sub-par vampire film from the people at The Asylum. In some departments of this production there seems to have been enough talent that would have allowed to produce a solid B-movie, but bad writing, a bulging back-story, and a convoluted plot mean that this film turned out very messy instead. […]

True Bloodthirst (2012)

Ideas from several other films have been harvested in order to create True Bloodthirst. The end result is a decent (if run-of-the-mill) B movie which ranks above similar shlock – in terms of quality, not in terms of originality. […]

Vampyros Lesbos (1971)

One of Jesús Franco’s many sexploitation films, this German-Spanish co-production is quite a sorry affair full of plot holes and inconsistencies. There is very little of interest in this film, unless you are looking for inspiration to redecorate a room in a ‘70s fashion (and primarily in red). So, unless you are an interior designer, I suggest you pass this one up. […]

Dracula Reborn (2012)

Not really worth watching. Almost nothing has gone really wrong in this film, but despite decent acting and a solid (but thin) plot, the end result is just plain boring. Normally I would call this kind of film a “disappointment”, but watching Dracula Reborn dulls your mind to such a degree that at the end you do not even have enough energy or willpower left to feel disappointed. […]