Way of the Vampire (2005)

Way of the Vampire is a cheap and short vampire flick from The Asylum. It has a simple premise and a very simple story, so there is nothing captivating or interesting about it. The actors try their best (each in their own way), but with nonsensical plot elements, lacklustre fight scenes, and rather poor audio quality this film cannot be saved by the cast. […]

Dornröschen – Der Tod ist erst der Anfang (2004)

This film is a horror-“comedy” by notorious amateur filmmaker Jochen Taubert. It falls very decidedly into the “avoid-at-all-cost” category. And the fact that it is hard to find and is not available in English should make avoiding it fairly easy. […]

The Wickeds (2005)

The Wickeds is a very cheap and very generic trapped-teens film. The vampire aspects in this zombie film are negligible, and even though it runs for only 78 minutes (without credits), there is not enough plot to fill that time. […]

The Impaler (2013)

The Impaler is a run-of-the-mill teen slasher mixed into the vampire genre. The performances are – for the most part – good, and the writing and all other aspects are adequate enough. This is not a film you need to hunt for, but also not a film you need to avoid at all cost. […]

Dark Town (2004)

Dark Town tries to sell itself on blood and gore. And blood and gore are undeniably done well in this film. Still, as far as low-budget horror films go, Dark Town is a “3-out-of-10” also-ran. It never reaches the heights of the better middle-of-the-road, “5-out-of-10” films. And it never sinks as low as the worst of the worst – in part because of some decent acting performances. […]

The Reverend (2011)

British vampire flick The Reverend is a film that seems eager to amass missed opportunities. The acting is good, and there is not much wrong with the technical aspects of this film. But the writing is half-baked, and most of the supporting characters are more or less one-dimensional. You could easily envision a much better film hidden somewhere behind the script. […]

Frost: Portrait of a Vampire (2003)

Frost is a film that has its strengths and its weaknesses; and possibly more of the latter than the former. It meanders around for quite some time, with the final half hour (the actual horror part of the film) feeling much more interesting and atmospheric than the rest. […]